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History Questions
Question: Who invented the automobile? I thought Henry Ford did but my brother claims that it was invented by someone in Europe . I have a $20 bet that Ford is the main person responsible for the car.
Read more about the Automobile …
Question: I enjoyed your information on the Civil Rights Movement. Could you tell me more about Martin Luther King Jr.?
Read more about the Martin Luther King Jr…
Question: During a recent Halloween Party, someone dressed in a Dracula costume claimed that Dracula was a real person. I said no, Dracula is a creation from the Hollywood vampire movies. Do you agree?
Read more about Dracula …
Question: Who were the Buffalo Soldiers?
Read more about the Buffalo Soldiers …
Question: What does the phrase, “England: a bejeweled and sceptered isle” mean?
Read more about: “England: a bejeweled and sceptered isle” …
Question: The constant fighting between Israel and the Palestinians has been going on for decades. How and why did this terrible conflict start? Does the death of Arafat change anything?
Read more about the fighting between Israel and the Palestinians …
Question: Who was Rosa Parks?
Read more about Rosa Parks …